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pastor's letter

Please allow me to welcome you to the Jesus Reigns Ministries – Perth website. I am very happy that  you have visited our website. On behalf of the whole church family, we want you to know that we are  dedicated to help you grow in your spiritual lives and to encourage you to have a deeper & healthier relationship with God. Our main reason for developing this website is to declare God’s  wonderful works and to introduce JRM Perth as a church that cares for you.

JRM Perth desires to bring people closer to God, to be living testimonies on how lives have been  changed when we surrender our lives to God. We strongly encourage an atmosphere of prayer, worship, love and joy inside the church and throughout life. The church mission is to spread the  Good News and make disciples in God’s name. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the  Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I  am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20 NIV)

We hope that all people will feel loved and welcomed at JRM Perth. We pray that once you’re here, God will meet you, and as a result of that meeting, give your lives to God. That is our sincerest intentions for you.

Our website features different church ministries and programs that give you a glimpse of our church  family. We are welcoming all of you who have browsed our website to visit us during our Sunday  Worship Services to be part of God’s miraculous touch. We also have small groups that caters for particular areas near you so that you could have a first-hand experience of the  community and family  we have. We’d like to meet and know you more.

Ptr. Julius Ramos, 2017

A Message to JRM Perth

As Jesus Reigns Ministries Perth draws closer to its 8th Year Anniversary, we are reminded of the goodness and faithfulness of God that has transpired throughout the existence of His church here in Perth. Pioneered as a simple religious organization, it continues to grow and mature, not just in the physical manner, but also in the spiritual aspect of every members’ Christian way of life.

As we approach another milestone for Jesus Reigns Ministries – Perth’s, I would like to encourage you all to become part of this event’s 21-day prayer and fasting activity. This is the church’s way to prepare each one of us for God’s miraculous outpouring of power in His church and a spiritual breakthrough to fulfil God’s mission to the world – to spread the Word and share the love of God to all of his creation. A period where everyone joins as a family, bound by the love and mercy of our God, that aims to strengthen God’s authority over His people and His church.
I admonish you all with humility, to join hands in prayer and share with us the joy of being part of this activity for the advancement and growth of God’s kingdom here on earth, in Perth. As a united JMR Perth Family, I would like to call on every member, each family, to participate in the church’s efforts to ask for the Lord’s guidance, blessings and anointing for the success of JRM Perth’s 8th Year Anniversary. We will pray and fast as one. Let our prayers be heard. Let our sacrifices be made know. Not to man but to God who sees what is done in secret and with utmost humility. Giving honour to God. Expecting the wonders and miracles from God and in THE GLORY OF HIS PRESENCE.

Your Fellow Servant in Christ,

Ptr. Julius Ramos, 2019

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